Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Interview Assignment

I have been work in my internship for 11 weeks, during those time I have find out there are a person who work with caution and with will, which is my supervisor.And we couduct the interview.
A: What is your full name?
S: My name is Subhena Zeman.
A: Where are you from?
S: I'm from Pakistan.
A: Where did you go to college? For how long? Would you like to go back to school?
S: I went to Ashworth University,I studied online, and then went to Kingsborough Community College. I would like to go back to school, but maybe later.
A: How long have you worked here?
S: I work here for two years.
A: What's your job title?
S: Clerical Assistant
A: What do your duties include? Another way of asking this questions is,"What kinds of work does your job involve?"
S: Ahead the appointment, schedule...
A: What is the best part of your job?
S: To deal with patients and help them.
A: Do you plan to open your own business one day?
S: No, not yet, maybe later.
A: How has having an intern helped your company or organization?
S: Yes, must of the time.
A: What advice would you give to teenage interns(such as myself) getting ready for college?
S: First, think about your career,then choose college and keep on one track.
A: what advice would you give to teenage interns(such as myself) preparing to find a career in the real world?
S: First, you have to think about what you personaly like,don't force yourself or depend on someone else.
A short time interview bring me surprise, even my supervisor is not a reputable or did not go to a famous college, but she's hard working and kindheart inspire me to pursue my dream, to grow as a person.

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